What to do to have a successful and fulfilling life?

5. Take care of yourself First

Many will wonder if my title is not selfish.

Yeah, it’s selfish. Of course, the question also arises as to whether selfishness is a bad or a good thing. The word itself has a negative connotation, but many words have a negative or positive connotation. How it sounds depends on the accent, context, situation …..

Let’s go to my title. Yes, you have to be selfish, but selfish in a GOOD way. That doesn’t mean you don’t take care of children, parents, everyone else close … NO. It’s not meant to be that way. This is BAD selfish.

It means that you must first feel good to be able to help others.

How can you help others
if you are unhappy
all the time or
tired all the time,
if you crave something
all the time,
which only requires your alone time,
or time for two …..

Yes, parents also have to take time for themselves,
children are not kings and queens,
which should be served,
from the front and the back.

Co-workers are not the most important,
YOU are most important to YOU.

My advice.

Be selfish,
but GOOD selfish,
Take care of YOURSELF first.